Category: Turkey

Europe may experience its own near-shoring boom

As planes descend into Monterrey airport, an expanse of warehouses and manufacturing complexes stretches out for miles, exemplifying the near-shoring boom that has swept through Mexico in recent years, as Asian companies and their supply chains move closer to the United States. Drivers of Mexi... Read more

New Silk Road will link the Gulf to Europe

Turkey, Qatar, and the UAE are joining with Iraq to develop a new land corridor - Development Road Project - which will connect the Gulf to Europe. The Development Road Project is a multi-billion dollar land corridor that will stretch 750 miles from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea, e... Read more

Near-shoring boosted by supply chain disruption

The post-COVID environment, geopolitical uncertainty, protectionism, climate-change events and now the Red Sea crisis have all put pressure on global supply chains and as we discovered at TPM, companies are increasingly considering the evolution of their global supply chains to minimise risk and ... Read more

Metro are getting BIGGER in Europe

Metro has been shipping freight to, from and across Europe since 1981, using road, rail and short-sea services to create country and product-specific transport solutions. Our new Head of European Services, Matt Paxton-Rhodes, wants to make these award-winning solutions available to more shippers,... Read more

Turkey and UK close in one Free Trade Deal

As the UK and Turkey close in on a free trade agreement to boost bilateral trade up to £15 billion by 2023, Metro is enhancing our freight services to and from the region. Turkey is “very close” to signing a free trade agreement with the UK covering manufactured goods, agriculture and ser... Read more

New dedicated Turkey service

Turkey is a major market for UK exporters and sourcing region for manufacturers and brands, increasingly so as near-shoring becomes more prevalent. Trade between the UK and Turkey is already worth £15bn, leaping almost 15% in 2019, making a post-Brexit trade deal a priority for both. The new ... Read more