New predictive tools for low-carbon supply chains; how Metro are delivering visibility
Considering that the world needs to accelerate its path to net zero carbon, we’re focused on creating valuable environmentally sustainable solutions, with new predictive tools that will enhance our shippers understanding of where their emissions are truly coming from, so they can build low-carbon supply chains.
Whether it is to comply with regulations, driven by stakeholder pressure, improve brand reputation or simply because it is the right thing to do, businesses need to understand the carbon impact of their supply chain and do something positive to minimise and mitigate their impact on the environment.
Calculating supply chain carbon emissions can be daunting, which is why we provide guidance, measuring tools and offset solutions to overcome the challenge.
Supply chain carbon foot printing requires lots of information, covering different activities and historically this wealth of data has been scattered, difficult to source, extricate and extrapolate.
And should you identify all the appropriate sources, the job is not over, as once your data is ready you will need to apply the appropriate carbon calculations.
With Metro’s MVT Eco module, all the CO2 measuring and emission analysis tools you need is found in one single place. With calculations that conform to EN 16258, you can trust in data and reporting that complies with the most demanding frameworks and methodologies.
MVT Eco makes it simple to measure your supply chain carbon emissions, for every single consignment, with the platform undertaking calculations automatically, based on your activity, saving you time, effort, money… and stress!
Launching our new ‘on demand calculator’ module means that shippers – for the first time – can see pre-shipment CO2 forecasts, by any mode and location, based on IATA or UNLOC codes and use those insights to create efficient, low-carbon supply chain solutions.
Using our latest generation MVT Eco module, we can develop intelligent supply chain solutions, based on accurate and representative data, that are respectful of the environment. Low-carbon multi-modal solutions that blend air, road, sea, inland waterways and rail, together with NGV and electric vehicles.
Predictive functionality:
- Weight in kgs, tonnes, TEU, FEU or pallets
- Global locations based on IATA or UNLOC codes
- Select road, sea, air or any combination
- Visual representation of distance, CO2, primary energy and total avoidance cost
- Export to excel option

To discuss your situation, carbon reduction strategies and the availability of offset
projects please contact Simon George, who leads our technical solution team.
We encourage all customers and other collaborative partners to arrange a demonstration on what, how and why we are focusing on this important subject and continue to invest in reducing the impact of environmental damage within global supply chains. It will be 30 minutes of your time well spent – guaranteed.