Brexit border controls eased
The government confirmed on Friday that it will not request or accept an extension to the Brexit transition period and is replacing full post-Brexit border controls, with new import easements that defer customs declarations and tariff payments until July 2021.
Despite their protestations that business had more than sufficient time to ensure that they would have secure, safe and robust controls in place before the end of the transitional period, the Government will introduce new easements for import traffic.
In order to mitigate the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on businesses, the UK there will be a staged introduction to new UK import border controls.
- From 1st January 2021 to 30th June 2021: Traders importing standard goods only will have up to six months to complete customs declarations.
There is a requirement during this period to ensure sufficient records of imported goods are maintained, as tariffs will need to be paid on all imports, but the necessity to complete the actual entry will postponed until the end of June. There will be checks on controlled goods, such as petrochemicals, alcohol and tobacco, along with physical checks at the point of arrival on all high-risk live animals and plants. - Postponed until April 2021: All products of animal origin, all regulated plants and plant products will not require pre-notification or the relevant health documentation.
- From July 2021: Traders moving all goods will have to make declarations at the point of importation and pay relevant tariffs.
Full Safety and Security declarations will be required, while for SPS commodities there will be an increase in physical checks and the taking of samples: checks for animals, plants and their products will now place at GB Border Control Posts.
The government have also confirmed their commitment to investment by building new inland border facilities for carrying out required checks, such as customs compliance, transit, and Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) checks.
These easements are specifically ONLY for imports, export procedures remain in line with transition recommendations.
To understand the impact on your business please contact your Metro account manager for more details and where we can assist, including our Brexit consultancy and Health Check Packages.