ALL supply chain workers are essential
The Department for Transport (DfT) has confirmed that workers in ALL supply chains are “essential” and should continue to work to the greatest extent possible through the current Coronvirus lockdown.
There has been much uncertainty with regards to the government’s definition of ‘essential workers’ and how it applies to those working in supply chain with, on a number of occasions, clients and their drivers challenged by authorities.
The confirmation, in the form of a letter, from the DfT to the Road Haulage Association (RHA) and the Freight Transport Association (FTA) verifies that the work of the logistics sector is “essential” and should continue to the greatest extent possible through the Covid-19 crisis.
It affirms that logistics professionals need to continue to go about their business to keep supply chains moving, and government policy is that this requirement applies to all supply chains and not only those for food and medical supplies.
Travel related to the operation of logistics businesses or necessary travel by logistics workers to places of work such as distribution centres is to be considered ‘essential travel’ in the context of current restrictions.
You may find it useful to download a copy of the letter for your use, or for colleagues.